

Freeclimber Alex Honnold in der ESPN Body Issue

National-Geographic-Fotograf Cory Richards überzeugte den bekanntesten Kletterer der Welt zu dem Shooting


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@espn is featuring me in the latest Body Issue. Whoa. Sort of an unusual shoot for me – turns out rock is quite rough when you don’t have any clothes on… Thanks to @coryrichards for the artistic photos. #bodyissue

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Alex Honnold ist durch sein Free-Solo am El Capitan im Yosemite Valley mittlerweile weit über die Klettergrenzen hinaus bekannt und hat viele Menschen mit seinem Aufstieg fasziniert. Die selbst für Profikletterer als “völlig unvorstellbar” eingeschätzte mentale und physische Höchstleistung sollte Grenzen des Möglichen im Yesemite völlig neu abstecken. Der Film von National Geographic, gedreht unter der Regie von Chai Vasarhelyi und Jimmy Chin erhielt im vergangenen Jahr den Oscar als bester Dokumentarfilm.

Cory Richards, selbst Fotograf und Abenteurer aus den NG-Sphären, überzeugte laut eigener Aussage Honnold kürzlich vom Shooting für die bekannte “ESPN Body Issue”, die ästhetische Perspektiven von Spitzensportler zeigt.


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Shout out to my dear friend and victim (for the shoot), @alexhonnold for putting up with me for the @espn body issue, out today. And a massive thanks to @espn for trusting me with this. // The first time I photographed Alex Honnold was over a decade ago when our respective cars were our castles, means of transport, and kitchens. I remember the drive from Canada to Yosemite as a jittery sprint fueled by caffeine and gas station cashews. The pictures I took of Alex back then left me wanting, as if there were a depth to his character that was expressed through his action but escaped my ability as a photographer. He struck me as an athlete more sculpted by his medium than any other I’d met. I wondered if his physical form was a necessary response to repeated stimuli or if he represented something entirely unique. Photographing him all these years later was an opportunity to celebrate him as form born of the stone he surrounds himself with, seeing him as wholly human but somehow simultaneously transcendent of that definition. Plus, it’s not everyday you get to tell your friend to get naked and curl into a ball and NOT have that abruptly make your friendship forever awkward… // Check back for more images from this incredible shoot.

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