Ein toter Wal hat an einem der normalerweise belebtesten Surfspots von Kalifornien im Lineup den Betrieb lahmgelegt. Am Sonntag wurde der riesige Meeressäuger in der Nähe der Küste von San Clemente gesichtet, wo er später offenbar nach einem natürlichen Tod strandete. Lower Trestles, wo auch ein Event der World Surf League jedes Jahr stattfindet, dürfte selten an einem freien Sonntag so leer gewesen sein.
Folgendes schrieb Kelly Slater in seinem Post: “Anyone for a surf at Trestles? Im sure that #BeachedWhale oil should keep the crowds to a minimum coming into summer! Sketchy. Great white sightings sure seemed to coincide with the burying of a whale 15+ years back by Trails. Not saying they weren’t around before then but they’ve been sniffing around the area consistently since then. I wonder if they can/will tow this thing back out to sea before it completely decays in the rocks or do a necropsy on it. Anybody know? Can’t help but think this (washing up right in the middle of #Lowers) is Karma for humans possibly having some part in this whale’s death and the whale sending us a message we can’t help but have a look at. A mile or two south and we probably wouldn’t take nearly as much notice. Good summer to surf the wave pool.”