

Die Shortlist der Sony World Photography Awards 2019

Mit 326.997 eingereichten Bildern aus 195 Ländern zählt der Fotowettbewerb zu den renommiertesten weltweit

Wie jedes Jahr Anfang Februar hat die World Photography Organization kürzlich ihre Shortlist für die Kategorien der Sony World Photography Awards 2019 veröffentlicht – und die Bilder dieser ersten Auslese sind wieder einmal absolute Hingucker aus verschiedensten Perspektiven.

In die engere Auswahl wählte die Jury ihre Favoriten aus insgesamt 326.997 Einreichungen von Fotografen aus 195 Ländern. Sie gibt am 26. Februar die Gewinner der „Open Category“ bekannt, während die Gesamtsieger für „Open“ und „Youth“ am 17. April gekürt werden. Unterteilt ist die Auswahl der Fotografien dabei in zehn verschiedene Genres, darunter Natur und Wildtiere, Architektur, Landschaft, Bewegung, Kultur, Porträt und Reisen.

Vom 18. April bis zum 6. Mai wird das Somerset House in London die prämierten Bilder ausstellen. Eine Übersicht aller Einreichungen findet ihr auf der Website. Hier zeigen wir euch unsere 20 Favoriten von der Shortlist.

Campfire under the Milky Way || Credit: Johannes Laufs, Germany, Shortlist, Open, Travel (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
A poisoned lake in a mining area of Romania || Credit: Antonio Gandore, Romania, Shortlist, Open, Landscape, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Penguin chicks brave the cold in Antarctica || Credit: Nadia Aly, United States of America, Shortlist, Open, Natural World & Wildlife, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Taken close to midnight at the Norwegian village of Svolvar || Credit: Siddharth Sachar, India, Shortlist, Open, Travel (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Open, Natural World & Wildlife (Open Competition), Shortlist, 2019, Sony World Photography Awards || Foto: Sandi Little
"Seeing the Light I" || Credit: Christopher Madden , United Kingdom, Shortlist, Open, Architecture (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Gannet feeding time in Shetland || Credit: Tracey Lund, United Kingdom, Shortlist, Open, Natural World & Wildlife (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Thousands of Buddhist women make their way up the mountains in China to practice the dharma || Credit: Lifeng Chen, China, Shortlist, Open, Culture (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
The Kuitun Grand Canyon, China || Credit: Lu Quanhou, China, Shortlist, Open, Travel (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Camping under the stars in the Italian alps || Credit: Kuo Zei Yang, Taiwan, Province of China (China), Shortlist, Open, Landscape, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Whale shark in the the Teluk Cenderwasih National Park || Credit: Marco Zaffignani, Italy, Shortlist, Open, Travel (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Frozen pond from above in Oslo, Norway || Credit: Svein Nordrum, Norway, Shortlist, Open, Landscape, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Honey harvesting from the hives of Himalayan bees || Credit: Dikpal Thapa, Nepal, Shortlist, Open, Culture (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
The Sarzhematy River in the Altai Mountains of Russia || Credit: Oleg Kugaev, Russian Federation, Shortlist, Open, Landscape, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
A grey seal || Credit: Greg Lecoeur, France, Shortlist, Open, Natural World & Wildlife, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Sterling Falls at New Zealand's Milford Sound || Credit: Robert Saunders, New Zealander, Shortlist, Open, Landscape, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
An Ethiopian wolf, one of the rarest animals in the world || Credit: Roberto Marchegiani, Italy, Shortlist, Open, Natural World & Wildlife, 2019 Sony World Photography Awards
Tribes go to work in Yunnan, China || Credit: Eng Chung Tong, Malaysia, Shortlist, Open, Culture (Open competition), 2019 Sony World Photography Awards

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